[TEST INDEXES COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:1 POSTGRES:countries:1 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:2 POSTGRES:departments:2 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:6 POSTGRES:employees:6 ORACLEDB:JOBS:1 POSTGRES:jobs:1 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:4 POSTGRES:job_history:4 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:4 POSTGRES:locations:4 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:1 POSTGRES:regions:1 [ERRORS INDEXES COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of indexes. [TEST UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:0 POSTGRES:countries:0 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:0 POSTGRES:departments:0 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:1 POSTGRES:employees:1 ORACLEDB:JOBS:0 POSTGRES:jobs:0 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:0 POSTGRES:job_history:0 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:0 POSTGRES:locations:0 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:0 POSTGRES:regions:0 [ERRORS UNIQUE CONSTRAINTS COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of unique constraints. [TEST PRIMARY KEYS COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:1 POSTGRES:countries:1 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:1 POSTGRES:departments:1 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:1 POSTGRES:employees:1 ORACLEDB:JOBS:1 POSTGRES:jobs:1 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:1 POSTGRES:job_history:1 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:1 POSTGRES:locations:1 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:1 POSTGRES:regions:1 [ERRORS PRIMARY KEYS COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of primary keys. [TEST CHECK CONSTRAINTS COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:0 POSTGRES:countries:0 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:0 POSTGRES:departments:0 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:1 POSTGRES:employees:1 ORACLEDB:JOBS:0 POSTGRES:jobs:0 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:1 POSTGRES:job_history:1 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:0 POSTGRES:locations:0 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:0 POSTGRES:regions:0 [ERRORS CHECK CONSTRAINTS COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of check constraints. [TEST NOT NULL CONSTRAINTS COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:1 POSTGRES:countries:1 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:2 POSTGRES:departments:2 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:5 POSTGRES:employees:5 ORACLEDB:JOBS:2 POSTGRES:jobs:2 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:4 POSTGRES:job_history:4 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:2 POSTGRES:locations:2 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:1 POSTGRES:regions:1 [ERRORS NOT NULL CONSTRAINTS COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of not null constraints. [TEST COLUMN DEFAULT VALUE COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:0 POSTGRES:countries:0 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:0 POSTGRES:departments:0 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:0 POSTGRES:employees:0 ORACLEDB:JOBS:0 POSTGRES:jobs:0 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:0 POSTGRES:job_history:0 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:0 POSTGRES:locations:0 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:0 POSTGRES:regions:0 [ERRORS COLUMN DEFAULT VALUE COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of column default value. [TEST FOREIGN KEYS COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:1 POSTGRES:countries:1 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:2 POSTGRES:departments:2 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:3 POSTGRES:employees:3 ORACLEDB:JOBS:0 POSTGRES:jobs:0 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:3 POSTGRES:job_history:3 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:1 POSTGRES:locations:1 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:0 POSTGRES:regions:0 [ERRORS FOREIGN KEYS COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of foreign keys. [TEST PARTITION COUNT] [ERRORS PARTITION COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of PARTITION. [TEST TABLE COUNT] ORACLEDB:TABLE:11 POSTGRES:TABLE:11 [ERRORS TABLE COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of TABLE. [TEST TABLE TRIGGERS COUNT] ORACLEDB:COUNTRIES:0 POSTGRES:countries:0 ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS:0 POSTGRES:departments:0 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES:2 POSTGRES:employees:2 ORACLEDB:JOBS:0 POSTGRES:jobs:0 ORACLEDB:JOB_HISTORY:0 POSTGRES:job_history:0 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS:0 POSTGRES:locations:0 ORACLEDB:REGIONS:0 POSTGRES:regions:0 [ERRORS TABLE TRIGGERS COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of table triggers. [TEST TRIGGER COUNT] ORACLEDB:TRIGGER:2 POSTGRES:TRIGGER:2 [ERRORS TRIGGER COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of TRIGGER. [TEST VIEW COUNT] ORACLEDB:VIEW:1 POSTGRES:VIEW:1 [ERRORS VIEW COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of VIEW. [TEST MVIEW COUNT] ORACLEDB:MVIEW:2 POSTGRES:MVIEW:2 [ERRORS MVIEW COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of MVIEW. [TEST SEQUENCE COUNT] ORACLEDB:SEQUENCE:3 POSTGRES:SEQUENCE:3 [ERRORS SEQUENCE COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of SEQUENCE. [TEST TYPE COUNT] ORACLEDB:TYPE:0 POSTGRES:TYPE:0 [ERRORS TYPE COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of TYPE. [TEST FDW COUNT] ORACLEDB:FDW:0 POSTGRES:FDW:0 [ERRORS FDW COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of FDW. [TEST FUNCTION COUNT] ORACLEDB:FUNCTION:2 POSTGRES:FUNCTION:2 [ERRORS FUNCTION COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of FUNCTION. [TEST SEQUENCE VALUES] ORACLEDB:DEPARTMENTS_SEQ:280 POSTGRES:departments_seq:280 ORACLEDB:EMPLOYEES_SEQ:207 POSTGRES:employees_seq:207 ORACLEDB:LOCATIONS_SEQ:3300 POSTGRES:locations_seq:3300 [ERRORS SEQUENCE VALUES COUNT] OK, Oracle and PostgreSQL have the same number of sequence values.